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IN PERSON - Energy Is Eternal DelightDay workshop on William Blake and Buddhism | with Ratnaprabha.

All welcome

Energy Is Eternal Delight

Day workshop on William Blake and Buddhism with Ratnaprabha.

Open to all who have done some meditation.

Blake's great book, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, mixes poems, proverbs, stories, and bits of philosophy, with some of his most powerful images. Have a look at the image on the workshops page. “If you are of the 'Devil's party' the angel on the left is the good angel, if you favour conventional religion the angel on the right is the good angel. If you listen to Blake, good and evil are contraries which can be resolved when they are seen in the light of Forgiveness and Brotherhood." (Larry Clayton)

In this workshop we'll look at how to release energy and freedom by tapping the tensions and conflicts that we all experience, using the vision of William Blake and the teachings of Buddhism. Ratnaprabha has been a student of both for many years, by turns inspired and amazed by both. All are welcome – there will be meditation, discussion, and creative personal exploration. Please bring vegetarian lunch to share.

Please book using the button below. By donation. Suggested donation £25 reference name “workshop William Blake”

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