Weekly Classes
Buddhist Meditation
Tuesday 7:15-9.30PM
Lunchtime Meditation
Monday - Friday 1 - 2pm
Buddhism & Meditation
Saturday 10:30am - 12:30pm
Daytime Dharma Class
Wednesday 11.45am-12.45pm
Meditation & Ritual
Friday 6.45 - 9pm
Volunteering Sessions
Wed 10.30 - 11.30am & Fri 3 - 5pm
Other Upcoming Events:

Mind in Harmony | Led by Ksantikara & Satyanathin
5-week course
Whether you are fairly new or seeking to revitalise a long-standing practice, delve into all aspects of meditation, from posture and overcoming hindrances to cultivating access concentration, dhyana, and insight.
7.15 - 9.30pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Foundation in Non-Violent Communication | Day Workshop
Developing more effective interpersonal communication skills is a key way to empower ourselves: a life lived to its fullest potential, disentangled from the negative thinking and self-judgment that can hold us back.
10am - 5pm
*Cancelled* The Journey & The Guide
Unfortunately we’ve decided to cancel The Journey and the Guide course. This is due to a combination of factors, including feedback that the original eight-week commitment felt too long for many people at this time, the timing running over Easter, and its closeness to the recent Urban Retreat.
*Postponed* Triratna Film Day screening
We have decided to postpone our film screening until the summer.

Gong Bath
Immerse yourself in sound. Sound baths are a growing form of sound healing meditation, where participants relax and absorb the vibrations of instruments like singing bowls.
5 - 6.15pm

Saturday Keynote Talk: The Buddha of Beauty by Dayabhadra
From February to July we will be discussing the Five Buddha Mandala, join for the day and hear more about them.
10.30 - 12.30pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

People of Colour Sunday Class Online
On the second Sunday of every month is a chance for people of African, Asian or mixed heritage to come together, meditate, and discuss how the Buddha’s teachings have relevance to our lives. Suitable for all levels of experience, including beginners.
10 - 11.30am

Day Retreat | Led by Karunagita
Just Sitting meditation practice, movement and insight inquiry.
10am - 5pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Young People’s Class: Discovering Wisdom
Come along to our monthly night of uplifting and engaging collective practice. You'll discover meditation, meet new friends, and learn from ancient Buddhist teachings presented in a way that is fresh and relevant to your life. Open to everyone under 35.
7.15 - 9.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Chanting mantras with others is a powerful way to deepen our experience. Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Sangha Work Day
An energetic and satisfying way to spend the bank holiday, working with others to give the centre some TLC.
10am - 5pm

Mindful Communication Workshop
A day workshop on how to listen and speak from the heart.

Sailing the Worldly Winds | Led by Ksantikara & Maitrishura
A buddhist way through the ups and downs of everyday life
Using Vajragupta’s short book as a guide, Ksantikara and Maitrishura will examine the myriad ways the worldly winds impact our lives and what we can do to learn to sail through them.
Four week course | Starts 1 May | 7-9.15pm
People of Colour Big Weekend
The National Gathering is the biggest event on the People of Colour calendar. It is four days of practising meditation, hearing teachings from highly experienced practitioners of colour and connecting with one another whilst living in community.
Price: Standard £190 | Concession £145

Gong Bath
Immerse yourself in sound. Sound baths are a growing form of sound healing meditation, where participants relax and absorb the vibrations of instruments like singing bowls.
5 - 6.15pm

Saturday Keynote Talk: The Buddha of Love by Karunagita
From February to July we will be discussing the Five Buddha Mandala, join for the day and hear more about them.
10.30am - 12.30pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Buddha Day Festival | Led by Darsavini & Ksantikara
Day Festival, honouring the life of the Buddha.
11.30am - 5pm (Gathering for Mitras & Order Members at 10.15am)

Buddhism & Meditation | An Introduction | Led by Ratnaprabha & Bodhamayi
6-week course
A thorough grounding in key Buddhist principles and practices. Glimpse the radical transformation of self & world, that can result from practising the Buddha’s teaching as part of a thriving, open community.
7 - 9.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Chanting mantras with others is a powerful way to deepen our experience. Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Gong Bath
Immerse yourself in sound. Sound baths are a growing form of sound healing meditation, where participants relax and absorb the vibrations of instruments like singing bowls.
5 - 6.15pm

Steps to Enlightenment | Led by Vajramitra and Kshantisara
6-week course
Buddhism is essentially a path leading from wherever we are to Enlightenment, and in this six-week course we look at the best way to follow that path.
7 - 9.30pm

Managing Conflict Creatively with Non-Violent Communication | Day Workshop
A practically focused workshop on enhancing our communication skills—whether at work, in relationships, or in daily life.

Saturday Keynote Talk: The Buddha of Fearlessness by Kusala
From February to July we will be discussing the Five Buddha Mandala, join for the day and hear more about them.
10.30am - 12.30pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Buddhism & Meditation | An Introduction | Led by Santva & Manjumitra
6-week course
A thorough grounding in key Buddhist principles and practices. Glimpse the radical transformation of self & world, that can result from practising the Buddha’s teaching as part of a thriving, open community.
7 - 9.30pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Saturday Keynote Talk: The Buddha of Ultimate Reality by Akashamitra
From February to July we will be discussing the Five Buddha Mandala, join for the day and hear more about them.
10.30am - 12.30pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Dharma Day Festival | Led by Ratnaprabha & Karunagita
On Dharma Day we celebrate the teaching of the Buddha. Marking key events in the Buddhist calendar - Festival days a great opportunity for everyone to come together to celebrate, reflect, practice & connect.
11.30am - 5.30pm (Gathering for Mitras & Order Members at 10.15am start)

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Monthly Class for Women+
an opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Mantra Chanting
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Padmasambhava Day Festival
A day evoking & honouring the great Tantric teacher who established Buddhism in Tibet - all welcome!
11.30am - 5.30pm (Gathering for Mitras & Order Members at10.15am start)

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you arewelcome to attend a friendly regular group at the Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Young People’s Class: Cultivating Faith
Come along to our monthly night of uplifting and engaging collective practice. You'll discover meditation, meet new friends, and learn from ancient Buddhist teachings presented in a way that is fresh and relevant to your life. Open to everyone under 35.
7.15 - 9.30pm (snacks and chats from 6.45pm)

Lunchtime meditation
A mid-day check in with your body, your heart, your mind and your fellow retreatants.
Lunchtime Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 1pm - 2pm

Morning meditation
Start your urban retreat weekday with communal meditation in the NLBC shrine room. Stay after for a shared breakfast (of muesli, cornflakes and/or toast) before you head off to work.
Morning Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 7.15am - 8am (followed by shared breakfast)

Meditation & Dharma Evening: Breaking Free by Anandavajra
Anandavajra: Breaking Free
Delving into Spiritual Death and its transformative power.
As part of the Urban retreat.
Drop in or sign up online | By donation
7.15pm – 9.30pm

Lunchtime meditation
A mid-day check in with your body, your heart, your mind and your fellow retreatants.
Lunchtime Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 1pm - 2pm

Morning meditation
Start your urban retreat weekday with communal meditation in the NLBC shrine room. Stay after for a shared breakfast (of muesli, cornflakes and/or toast) before you head off to work.
Morning Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 7.15am - 8am (followed by shared breakfast)

Meditation & Dharma Evening: Letting the Moment be New by Darsavini
Darsavini: Letting the Moment be New
An exploration of Spiritual Receptivity and its significance.
As part of the Urban retreat.
Drop in or sign up online | By donation
7.15pm – 9.30pm

Lunchtime meditation
A mid-day check in with your body, your heart, your mind and your fellow retreatants.
Lunchtime Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 1pm - 2pm

Morning meditation
Start your urban retreat weekday with communal meditation in the NLBC shrine room. Stay after for a shared breakfast (of muesli, cornflakes and/or toast) before you head off to work.
Morning Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 7.15am - 8am (followed by shared breakfast)

Meditation & Dharma Evening: The Awakening of the Heart by Maitrishura
Maitrishura: The Awakening of the Heart
A journey into Positive Emotion and its importance in spiritual growth.
As part of the Urban retreat.
Drop in or sign up online | By donation
7.15pm – 9.30pm

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group at Centre.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Lunchtime meditation
A mid-day check in with your body, your heart, your mind and your fellow retreatants.
Lunchtime Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 1pm - 2pm

Morning meditation
Start your urban retreat weekday with communal meditation in the NLBC shrine room. Stay after for a shared breakfast (of muesli, cornflakes and/or toast) before you head off to work.
Morning Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 7.15am - 8am (followed by shared breakfast)

Meditation & Dharma Evening: Growing Up for Adults by Ksantikara
Ksantikara: Growing Up for Adults
Exploring Integration and its role in the spiritual path.
As part of the Urban retreat.
Drop in or sign up online | By donation
7.15pm – 9.30pm

Lunchtime meditation
A mid-day check in with your body, your heart, your mind and your fellow retreatants.
Lunchtime Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 1pm - 2pm

Morning meditation
Start your urban retreat weekday with communal meditation in the NLBC shrine room. Stay after for a shared breakfast (of muesli, cornflakes and/or toast) before you head off to work.
Morning Meditations | Mon 17 - Fri 21 March | 7.15am - 8am (followed by shared breakfast)

Total Immersion Day | Urban Retreat
Step away from the noise and into a space of stillness, reflection, and deep meditation. As part of our Urban Retreat, this Total Immersion Day offers a rare chance to experience retreat-like conditions without leaving London.
10am - 5pm

Urban Retreat: The Path to Buddhahood
Turn a week of your life into a retreat. We’ll support you with early morning meditation (with breakfast), lunchtime classes, a total immersion day, evening dharma talks and motivational text messages. Attend as much or as little as you can.
Sun 15 - Fri 21 March

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Gong Bath
Immerse yourself in sound. Sound baths are a growing form of sound healing meditation, where participants relax and absorb the vibrations of instruments like singing bowls.
5 - 6.15pm

People of Colour Sunday Class Online
On the second Sunday of every month is a chance for people of African, Asian or mixed heritage to come together, meditate, and discuss how the Buddha’s teachings have relevance to our lives. Suitable for all levels of experience, including beginners.
10 - 11.30am

Monthly Class for Women+
An opportunity to meditate, explore the theme in different ways and connect with other women around the NLBC.
2 - 5pm

Saturday Keynote Talk: The Buddha of Self-Awareness by Bodhilila
From February to July we will be discussing the Five Buddha Mandala, join for the day and hear more about them.
10.30am - 12.30pm

Men's Quarterly Gathering | Friendship and the spiritual life
Anandavajra will interview his good friend Arthasiddhi on the role of friendship in the spiritual life. We will also cover topics such as adventure, the arts and commitment.
10am - 1pm with a shared lunch afterwards until 2pm.

Death Conversation Café | Facilitated by Padmamati & Ita
Death Conversation Café provides an intimate, safe space to talk about any matters to do with death and dying in a supportive, non-sectarian setting.
2 - 4pm

Young People’s Class: The Buddha’s Five Faculties
Come along to our monthly night of uplifting and engaging collective practice. You'll discover meditation, meet new friends, and learn from ancient Buddhist teachings presented in a way that is fresh and relevant to your life. Open to everyone under 35.
7.15 - 9.30pm (come at 6.45pm for snacks and chat)

Women Elders group
If you are a woman of 65 or older interested in Buddhism and meditation, you are welcome to attend a friendly regular group.
This month the class will be a social trip to the welcome collection.
2.30 - 4.30pm

Mantra Chanting | with Satyaghosha
Over the course of the hour we'll have the chance to chant several different mantras, with short periods of meditation in between.
1 - 2pm

Gong Bath
Immerse yourself in sound. Sound baths are a growing form of sound healing meditation, where participants relax and absorb the vibrations of instruments like singing bowls.
5 - 6.15pm