Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre
Take a weekend to live simply with more time for stillness and connecting with others. With meditation, dharma teaching, ritual and more.

People of Colour Day Retreat
A day retreat for people of African, Asian & mixed heritage to come together from all London Triratna Buddhist centres and practice meditation, explore the Buddha’s teaching and connect with others. There will be dedicated time for discussion and personal reflection.
10am - 5pm
Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre
Take a weekend to live simply with more time for stillness and connecting with others. With meditation, dharma teaching, ritual and more.

Urban Retreat: The Path to Buddhahood
Turn a week of your life into a retreat. We’ll support you with early morning meditation (with breakfast), lunchtime classes, a total immersion day, evening dharma talks and motivational text messages. Attend as much or as little as you can.
Sun 15 - Fri 21 March

Regular’s Weekend Retreat at Othona
A chance to escape the noise and complexity of modern life, to deepen your experience of yourself and of the world around you.

Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre
Mark the end of the year with a chance to escape the noise and complexity of modern life, to deepen your experience of yourself and of the world around you.

Autumn Sanghas Retreat at Adhisthana Retreat Centre
Join other Buddhist Centres across the UK for a week-long retreat opening up to the transformative power of the White Lotus Sutra. For those that have been practicing with us for 1-2 years+

Weekend Retreat at Burwell House ‘Sailing the worldly winds’
A relaxed and informative weekend of mindful practice and companionship

Men’s working retreat at Alfoxton
Join Aryajit and friends on our Working Retreat this summer.

Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre ”The Magic of Connecting”
A relaxed and informative weekend of mindful practice and companionship exploring the theme of metta – the evocation of a deep and heartfelt kindness, that reveals connections with all that lives.

Anapanasati Day retreat with Ksantikara
Click on retreat title above for more information
Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre | Led by Ratnaprabha & Karunagita
Fri 15 Dec - Sun 17 Dec
Led by Ratnaprabha and Karunagita
Click title or picture for more information.

Weekend retreat for regulars | led by Lalitaraja &Visuddhimati
Fri 27th - Sun 29th of Oct 2023
With: Lalitaraja and Viśuddhimati Retreat Open To: Regular meditators Where: The Othona Community
Weekend Retreat | at Vajrasana Retreat Centre
Fri 9 June - Sun 11 June
Click title or picture for more information.
‘Big Weekend’ People of Colour Retreat at Adhisthana
The first national retreat for people of colour in Triratna, coming together from across the UK. Join the people of colour team for a residential ‘Big Weekend’ retreat.
The retreat is open to all, whether you are completely new to meditation, you want to refresh after some time away, or are looking to deepen your practice.
Weekend Retreat ‘Secret Sources of Energy’ | Led by Ratnaprabha and Akshayapradipa | at Vajrasana Retreat Centre
Fri 28 - Sun 30 April
Click title or picture for more information.

Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre | Led by Ratnaprabha & Karunagita
Fri 9 Dec - Sun 11 Dec
Led by Ratnaprabha and Karunagita
Click title or picture for more information.

Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre | Led by Vajradaka, Vajramitra and Maitrisambhava BOOKING NOW CLOSED
Fri 23 Sept - Sun 25 Sept
Led by Vajradaka, Vajramitra and Maitrisambhava
Click title or picture for more information.

Weekend Sangha retreat | The Wisdom of the Elements
Fri 24th - Sun 26th of June 2022
With: Lalitaraja and Viśuddhimati Retreat Open To: Regular meditators Where: The Othona Community

Men’s Great Gathering Weekend 2 | The Cremation Ground and The Celestial Maidens
Fri 3 - Sun 5 June 2022
With: Bodhinaga Amalayodin and the Men’s European Mitra Convenors
Open ONLY to Men familiar with meditation as taught in Triratna and open to Buddhist ritual. Booking required.

Winter Weekend Retreat: 'The Perfect Present' - open to all
Friday 17 Dec at 7pm to Sunday 19 Dec at 3pm.
A wonderful weekend in the Suffolk countryside, open to all. Join us for some stillness and a chance to reflect as we head towards a new year…
Click title or picture for more information.

LIVE & IN-PERSON: Weekend Retreat at Vajrasana Retreat Centre in Suffolk “What’s so unique about Buddhism: the 4 Dharma Seals”
Friday 6 August at 5pm to Sunday 8 August at 3pm.
Led by Ratnaprabha & Suvarnajyoti
Suitable for everyone including newcomers.
All retreatants must take a self-adminsistered Covid test on Tuesday and Friday before attending
Click title or picture for more information.

**RETREAT NOW CANCELLED** - Online Retreat with Visuddhimati & Lalitaraja
Sat 31 Oct - Sun 1 Nov
Click on title above or on picture for more info.