Retreat information
What happens on a Buddhist Retreat?
A Buddhist retreat is a chance to get away from the noise and complexity of modern life in order to deepen your experience of yourself and of the world around you.
We will have periods of meditation, talks on aspects of Buddhism and Buddhist rituals. We will also form small discussion groups in which everyone can share their experience of the retreat. There may be some periods of silence.
Here is a typical programme for a retreat day:
6.30am Rise
7am Meditation
8.45am Breakfast (followed by free time)
10.30am Meditation, Talk and/or a workshop
1pm Lunch (followed by free time)
4pm Discussion Groups
5pm Meditation
6.30 pm Dinner
8pm Talk and/or meditation and a ritual
Living Communally
Living communally is an important and enjoyable element of the retreat. We eat together as a community and accommodation is in shared single-sex rooms. We require couples to stay in separate rooms from one another. The team leading the retreat are volunteers who are on retreat as well. In order to enable us all to live together comfortably and to keep the retreat running smoothly, we ask everyone to help out with some simple chores. Our retreats are known for being friendly and harmonious; we ask retreatants to cooperate with one another and to refrain from harsh speech or anti-social behaviour. It is also important that retreatants commit to attending the full period of the retreat to maintain the integrity of the community and atmosphere.
Do you need to be a Buddhist?
You don’t need to consider yourself a Buddhist to participate. You just need to be open to exploring the larger issues of life and what they might mean for you.
The food on the retreat will be vegan. Please don't bring any meat, fish, egg or dairy with you. If you have a restricted diet then we must be notified as soon as possible and at least one week before the retreat starts. Click here for more information.
What to bring
Make sure to bring toiletries (including shampoo/shower gel) and a towel, indoor shoes (you may also want to bring walking boots), warm comfortable clothes, a raincoat and a pen and paper.
What not to bring
During the retreat we ask you to turn off all mobile phones and not contact anyone outside the retreat. Please also do not bring laptops, tablets, e-readers, smart watches and similar devices. Please do not bring alcohol or recreational drugs on to the retreat. Smoking is allowed only in designated places. Please don't bring any pets on retreat with you.
Are our retreats suitable for you?
It is important that you let us know if you have any access requirements, serious health issues or any diagnosed or suspected mental health issues including serious trauma. Please email the centre team to begin a discussion. Likewise, please get in touch if you or anyone you are booking for is under 18 years of age.
Please bear in mind that all of our retreats feature extended periods of silence and the challenge of engaging with our minds, our habits and the big questions of life and death. Although it is a very supportive environment, we cannot offer any therapeutic help, so if you’re in an emotionally unstable state and unsure how you’ll manage on retreat, please get in touch.