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ONLINE: 'Solidarity with Self & World’ - 3 Transforming Workshops ***Special Discount ***

Cost :£39 for 3 workshops [if you are eligible for a concession, click the booking button, then enter CONCESSION-24 as the concession code. Cost is £24]

Sun 18 Oct, 10:30-12:30 Deep Ecology Workshop with Sanghasiha on exploring Buddhism and the natural world

Sun 25 Oct, 14:00-17:00 Meditation Workshop with Nandaraja on deepening positive emotion

Sun 22 Nov, 10:00-13:00 Buddhism & Meditation Workshop with Dayabhadra on transforming self and world

Do scroll down the ‘Buddhism & Meditation Workshops’ menu for more detailed info on each workshop. Each is also bookable as a stand-alone event.

September 27

ONLINE & LIVE: Padmasambhava Day Festival

October 18

ONLINE: Deep Ecology Workshop - Buddhism and the Natural World