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ONLINE: Meditation Masterclasses - meditating with the 5 Buddha Mandala

Tuesdays 1st, 8th, 15th, & 29th June, & 6th July, 19:00 - 21:00
Led by: Visuddhimati (our former Chair)

Most suitable for Intermediates & Regulars (but also open to beginners up for a challenge and interested Order Members)
No booking required. No charge but recommended donation £5. Please 
click here to donate and use reference ‘Tuesday Evening’.

This is an ideal weekly chance to enhance your existing meditation practice by exploring different approaches to nuance and deepen your experience. Most suitable for Intermediates and Regulars. You are can come every week but each class is also stand-alone so feel free to drop in any week.

Visuddhimati is embarking on a series of masterclasses on how to imaginatively engage with key Buddhist figures as a way of deepening your meditation practice. The 5 Buddha Mandala is a central set of symbols across most of the Buddhist world. Come along to discover and explore the riches of this realm.

5 evenings sitting with the Buddhas
Exploring the use of symbols, gestures, colours and the imagination in our meditation practice.

1st June - Sitting with the Blue Buddha Akshobya
Touching the earth and grounding ourselves to develop clarity and imperturbability

8th June - Sitting with the Yellow Buddha Ratnasambhava
Giving and receiving freely to discover riches, generosity, and our shared potential for Awakening.

15th June - Sitting with the Red Buddha Amitabha
Meditating deeply, loving deeply, to reveal our unique expression of love for all that lives.

22nd June - Meditation workshop on cultivating positive qualities in meditation with Vajradaka
For more details click here and scroll.

29th June - Sitting with the Green Buddha Amoghasiddhi
Actively engaging, meeting our fears to build our confidence, and activate unobstructed energy towards Awakening.

6th July - Sitting with the White Buddha Vairocana
Opening to spaciousness within the heart of the sun to inspire us to realms beyond the limitations of space and time.

Click here just before 7pm to access the class on Zoom - Meeting ID: 469 927 879 Passcode: 975344

Please give us a donation for the class to help us through the current crisis time. Suggested donation £5 or more. Please donate here and use reference ‘Tuesday Evening’.

May 11

ONLINE COURSE: Diving Deeper into Buddhism

June 8

LIVE & IN-PERSON COURSE - Understanding Life: the Buddha’s Radical Vision