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Sailing the Worldly Winds | Led by Ksantikara & Maitrishura

A four week course on a buddhist way through the ups and downs of everyday life 

We are all pulled around in different directions by the forces of life – seeking praise, fame, pleasure and gain while sheltering ourselves from blame, disgrace, pain and loss. 

With all this going on it’s hard to keep our heads above water, easy to lose confidence and difficult to keep a clear sense of direction for our life. 

The Buddha offers clear guidance on how to rise above these eight ‘worldly winds’. We need to learn to face them uncompromisingly and respond with creativity. Only then will we no longer fell blown about by the ups and downs - big and small - of everyday life.

Using Vajragupta’s short book as a guide, Ksantikara and Maitrishura will examine over four weeks the myriad ways the worldly winds impact our lives and what we can do to learn to sail through them.

April 27

Mindful Communication Workshop

May 2

People of Colour Big Weekend