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The Journey & The Guide | Led by Ksantikara & Maitrishura

Cost: £25 deposit + £125 suggested donation

These days, we are offered so many options for self-development that we can be paralysed by the choice. Buddhism offers a path towards growth and meaning that's been around for thousands of years, and tried and tested by millions of people. 

This course is 'a Practical Guide to Enlightenment'. It outlines the Buddhist path of development that touches on every single aspect of our life. The course explores five threads of the spiritual journey and training: Integration, Positive Emotion, Spiritual Death, Spiritual Receptivity and Spiritual Rebirth. Its aim is the total transformation of the mind, so that we become a force for ourselves and those around us. 

Firstly, we will explore how to gather ourselves enough so we can more fully get behind our desire to positively change. We can then cultivate our positive emotions such as courage and connectedness. From this basis, we can let go of any fixed sense of ourselves, and become more flexible and open to what's new, exciting, and truly meaningful. Finally, we can come to experience ourselves and the world in a completely revolutionary way.      

Based on a book by Maitreyabandhu – prize-winning poet and experienced Buddhist teacher -- the course mixes poetry and myth with down-to-earth instruction. You'll receive a copy of the book. You'll learn more about the Buddhist vision and be supported week-by-week in how to systematically apply it to your life, and notice any changes for yourself.

Week 1 & 2: Integrating all our energy behind growth

Week 3 & 4: Cultivating positive, robust emotions 

Week 5 & 6: Letting go of a fixed sense of self

Week 7 & 8: Opening Up to Radical Change 

March 30

Foundation in Non-Violent Communication | Day Workshop

April 5

Triratna Day Film Screening