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**CANCELLED A Taste of Freedom: what Freedom really means & how to achieve it | Anandavajra

Have you ever thought about how free you are….?

Booking essential
Cost: £60
(concession cost £45/youth rate £35 - for concession policy click here - if you are eligible for a concession, after you click the booking button, click 'Redeem Coupon' button and enter CONCESSION-45 or UNDER25)

The point of Buddhist practice is to free ourselves from whatever keeps us trapped in a mundane and repetitive cycle. But how do we do that and what does Freedom really mean?

In this course we’ll explore a traditional Buddhist list of three things that keep us trapped (The 3 Fetters) and see how they play out in our lives, both individually and collectively and look at ways in which we can loosen and eventually break them.

May 30

The wheel of life | Led by Satyanathin

July 4

Mind Reactive & Creative | Led by Satyanathin