Suitable for Newcomers or those who would like a refresher
Booking essential
Cost: £40 (concession cost £30 - for concession policy click here- if you are eligible for a concession, after you click the booking button below, click 'concession code' button and enter CONCESSION-30)
Sailing the Worldly Winds
10th January to 31st January 2023 - 4 weeks
‘Joy and woe are woven fine.’ Blake
Life is full of ups and downs- large and small. The Buddha taught eight worldly winds, ‘worldly conditions’ that we all encounter at some time or other. How do we respond? How can we learn to stand upright amongst lives difficulties, even sail with what life throws at us?
Gain Loss
Frame Infamy
Praise Blame
Pleasure Pain
Aryajit and Satyanathin will examine the myriad ways the worldly winds impact our lives and through discussion together we will explore some of the ways that we might help us sail the ‘Worldly Winds’