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Steps to Enlightenment | Led by Vajramitra and Kshantisara

Steps to Enlightenment
How to walk the Buddhist path to Enlightenment

“... as you actually follow the path taught by the Buddha – as you become that path, you begin to understand its nature ... more deeply and clearly.’

Buddhism is essentially a path leading from wherever we are to Enlightenment, and in this six-week course we look at the best way to follow that path.

Reading books, sporadic meditation, flitting between teachers and piecemeal teachings can all give some sense of Buddhism, but leads only to spiritual stagnation. A path of more regular steps towards spiritual growth is required…

This movement from a sporadic and irregular spiritual practice to one with momentum and consistency is central in making actual progress on the path.

On this six-week course we’ll explore what it means to walk the path of Buddhist practice in a regular and systematic way, such that we experience an ever-deepening flavour of Enlightenment in our lives.

Participants will receive the book Steps to Enlightenment as part of the course.

Cost: £25 deposit + £85 suggested donation

May 12

Buddhism & Meditation | An Introduction | Led by Ratnaprabha & Bodhamayi

June 23

Buddhism & Meditation | An Introduction | Led by Santva & Manjumitra