Exploring Buddhist Wisdom and Insight in our direct experience
4 Thursday evenings | Nov 10 - Dec 1 | 7-9.30pm
Suitable for people with at least a year of meditation and Buddhism practice and for Mitras and Order members.
Booking essential
Cost: £40 (concession cost £30 - for concession policy click here - if you are eligible for a concession, after you click the booking button below, click 'concession code' button and enter CONCESSION-30)
Experiencing the truth of the Buddha’s teachings
Buddhist teachings on wisdom, emptiness the nature of reality can feel complicated, ungraspable or hard to understand. These teachings go beyond concepts, so we cannot fully grasp them intellectually. Yet we can and do experience the truth of them directly. That is the focus of this short, experiential course. Karunagita and Kavaradhi will introduce this approach, share their experience and point to ways we can look, investigate and recognise the truth of Buddhist teachings in our direct experience. There will be simple enquiries to explore between sessions, based on the body and what arises through the senses.
All our courses are led by experienced meditators who are ordained Buddhists.
Karunagita started meditating in 1990 and was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 2005. She is a founder member of the North London Buddhist Centre (NLBC), where she is actively involved in teaching and as a Council member. She is a mother of two – now young adults – and wrote a book on how to have an effective spiritual practice in the context of parenting [Path for Parents, Windhorse publications 2006]. She is coming to the end of a career that included co-founding and leading a social enterprise and started a small residential Buddhist community for women near the NLBC, where she lives.