The Sangha is the Buddhist term for the community of people wishing to learn from the Buddha's teachings. Lalitaraja, Santva, Manjumitra, Khemananda and guest Order Members take turns to lead these evenings, practising and communicating Buddhism. A Sangha evening might include a talk, meditation, discussion, workshop, devotional practice. Open to all (though it is helpful if you have had an introduction to the Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana meditation practices).
The Sangha Night team is delighted to welcome Satyadasa to NLBC live Sangha Night.
'Satyadasa will be entertaining us with stories from his new book, The Sound Of One Hand, an amusing, honest and relatable account of what it's like for a modern person to try to devote themselves to the Buddhist path.
Satyadasa is a writer, lawyer and member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 2011. He teaches at the London Buddhist Centre, leads retreats and is currently the Buddhist tutor at Eton College. He lives with his family in East London. Copies available at NLBC or'
Subhuti writes:
‘Satyadasa lays himself bare, revealing struggles, personal and spiritual that will be familiar to many of us, whilst also providing a truthful and inspiring account of a spiritual community as it matures.’ .
Santva says:
'This excellent book is a real page-turner - I read it in one go!'