The Sangha is the Buddhist term for the community of people wishing to learn from the Buddha's teachings. Lalitaraja, Santva, Manjumitra, Khemananda and guest Order Members take turns to lead these evenings, practising and communicating Buddhism. A Sangha evening might include a talk, meditation, discussion, workshop, devotional practice. Open to all though most suitable for Intermediates and Regulars. Click HERE for an explanation of class levels.
Monday 5th July: Bernadette leaving for Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order
This will be Bernadette's last Sangha Night before she leaves for her Ordination Retreat, where her Going For Refuge to the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha will be formally witnessed. Bhante Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order, described Going for Refuge as the definitive act of a Buddhist, so as we wish Bernadette farewell we will reflect on how Going for Refuge is meaningful in our lives.
With contributions from Bernadette, Lalitaraja, Santva and friends.
She will be Going Forth to the hills of Wales to be Ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order and will return with her new Buddhist name.
Go well Bernadette!
No booking required but please pay what you can to help us continue to offer classes through this current crisis time. Suggested amount £10. Please donate here
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