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IN-PERSON CLASS: Deep Stretch & Yoga Nidra with Shirley - Fridays

Fridays 6-7.15 pm
With: Shirley Brooks PLEASE NOTE This class will not be running from August onwards.
Cost: £12
New Prices packages here

A soothing and relaxing class to end the working week. 

We’ll do a combination of very gentle movement and deep stretching poses, mostly on the floor, to work out tension and prepare the body for yoga nidra, a tranquil, non-movement practice. 

You’ll lie down and get cosy with blankets and bolsters and settle in to be guided through a body scan and meditation to send you into a blissful state of deep rest and mindful sleep. 

January 21

IN PERSON Mat Pilates - Saturdays

March 6

Iyengar Yoga: Louise Leonard - Mondays