TIP: When booking, click the date and then the time on the calendar to take you to the booking form.
Mondays | 6:30pm - 8pm
With: Valentina Salaris. PLEASE NOTE This class will be taught by Alexa Wright in February.
Cost: £13
Offers, passes and monthly packages here If booking with a code - enter it at the Checkout page in the ‘Package, gift or coupon code’ box.
Open to all
Iyengar yoga is notable for its emphasis on precise body alignment and the sequencing of poses. Postures are held for a longer duration to facilitate muscle relaxation and lengthening, elevating your awareness.
Join Valentina for this welcoming open-level class, where she will actively assist students by explaining postures and correcting any misalignments. Props will also be used to explore postures and support students' needs. The teacher will move around the studio, checking on students and providing hands-on adjustments.