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ONLINE: Cultivating positive qualities to support growth and development - meditation practice evenings with Vajradaka

Tues 2 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 Apr, 18 May, 22 Jun, 27 Jul 19:00-21:00

Part of the regular Tuesday evening ‘Meditation Going Deeper’ class, hosted by Visuddhimati
Some experience of meditation is helpful (but not essential)
Most suitable for Intermediates and Regulars. Click
HERE for explanation of terms.
Booking not required. Please donate for the class to help support the Centre if you can. Suggested donation £10.

Vajradaka is one of the most experienced meditation practitioners in our movement, with a worldwide teaching reputation. He is kindly offering the NLBC a series of regular meditation practice evenings at our Tuesday evening class on the topic of ‘The Positive Qualities which Support Growth and Development’. Vajradaka will be leading the Tuesday class every five weeks from 2nd Feb and continuing this exploration. Each class is stand-alone and on the Tuesdays in between Vajradaka’s sessions the regular class will continue so do feel free to come along to that too to practice what you have learned in the company of others who are also looking to grow and develop.

On 18th May Vajradaka will be teaching on the theme of developing contentment and other positive qualities in meditation even when it's a challenge. He will expand on the ‘lens analogy’ as a way of having a sense of ease in developing positive states qualities such as loving kindness and confidence in process.

These events are offered in a spirit of generosity in that our teachers give their time for free. Please join with this spirit if you possibly can and donate towards the survival of the Centre, to help us stay afloat in these difficult times. Suggested donation £10. You can donate here. Please use reference ‘Vajradaka Tuesday Class’. Many many thanks.

To access the class please click here or sign up to Zoom at https://zoom/us/signup and then use Meeting ID: 469 927 879 Passcode: 975344

June 19

ONLINE SPECIAL EVENT FOR WOMEN+ - ‘Ordination: what’s it all about?’ with guest Karunadhi from the Women’s Ordination Training Team

August 10

ONLINE: Meditation Masterclasses - meditating with the Mandala of the 5 Female Buddhas