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IN-PERSON CLASS: Iyengar Yoga with Helen - Fridays

TIP: When booking, click the date and then the time on the calendar to take you to the booking form.

Fridays, 10:00-11:30

With: Helen Corcoran This class will be covered by Semra O’Reilly on 21 February.
Offers, passes and monthly packages here
Drop in price: £13 [£9 concession, use code CONCESSION-9). View our concession information here. If booking with a code - enter it at the Checkout page in the ‘Package, gift or coupon code’ box.

Open to all

Iyengar Yoga is a precise and technical style of yoga focusing on the structural alignment of the body.

Regular practice increases suppleness, strength and stamina, improves posture and concentration, and promotes overall mental and emotional wellbeing. These classes are sequenced to include a range of postures and relaxation to enable a balanced experience and practice.

NOT SUITABLE for women who are 12 weeks pregnant or less and those who are pregnant and not familiar with yoga modifications.

December 4

IN-PERSON CLASS: Iyengar Yoga with Alaric - Wednesdays evenings

December 7

IN-PERSON CLASS: Wake Up & Flow Yoga with Shirley - Saturdays