TIP: When booking, click the date and then the time on the calendar to take you to the booking form.
Tuesdays | 7:30am - 8:30am
With: Valentina Salaris. PLEASE NOTE This class is advance online booking only.
Cost: £13
Offers, passes and monthly packages here If booking with a code - enter it at the Checkout page in the ‘Package, gift or coupon code’ box.
Class suitable for all levels of students.
Energize your morning with this balanced, one-hour Iyengar Yoga class designed to help you find focus and calm, ready for the day.
Surya Namaskar (“Sun Salutation”) will be introduced at the beginning of the class, with the sequence of movements practised in a step-by-step progression. A different range of asanas (poses) will be introduced weekly, linked in a vinyasa Iyengar style but also practised statically to facilitate correct alignment.